Monday, December 31, 2007

Cast your vote on the new Amero Currency

I thought it might be good to see what the public thinks of the Amero Currency as I have not really noticed any polls on it. I have added a poll to the blog. Yes and No relate to the Amero Currency replacing the USD$, CND$ and Peso. The third answer relates to the Amero being used along with the USD$ and other currency as perhaps a alternate currency used to make trade easier but not replacing the currency of the United Stated, Mexico and Canada.

So Cast Your Vote

Saturday, December 29, 2007

Time to look ahead to 2008

What will the markets do in 2008? If the fed keeps printing money 24/7 and helicopter Ben Bernake can keep the pyramid scheme going markets should be ok. Most of the talking heads on TV seem to be herding people into financials. While dividend yields on financials make them look attractive at around 5% for some, I'm not sure they won't slide a little further down. Looking at P/E ratio I'm not convinced they are yet as undervalued as the pundits are saying. I remember during the tech bubble when they were so out of fashion you could pick them up and they had P/E's under 10, because everyone wanted that 100% a year they thought they could pick up easy with technology stocks.

If the financials do fall another 10%-20% in 2008 I probably will be a buyer. I'm talking of Canadian financial stocks which I follow more closely and there is always the possibility of consolidation if things get tough and the banks cry loud enough to convince the government they need it. The X factor as always is earnings as nobody seems to be sure just how bad the credit problem are or will get. Regardless I am fairly neutral on the sector and think you could do worse. Banks have been one of my favourite investments over the years because they are one of the safer investments in my opinion. If they collapse there will be blood in the streets and they would take us all down with them.

Friday, December 28, 2007

Presidential Canidates and the NAU

Good video, see what those running for 2008 have to say on the NAU

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Amero Coin and Amero Currency

Same old news as dow up, gold up and US dollar down, where it stops nobody knows. Its not very easy finding someone who is bullish on the USD these days.

This is a terrific link on what a amero coin and the amero currency might look like.

Buy the new Amero Coin

The article has been debunked on the net but its worth having a look at what the amero currency and amero coin design might be like. Some great close up shots of the amero coin.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

The Promblem with Gold Mining

The Amero and the decline of the US dollar seems to be creating a new generation of gold bugs that are looking to put their money in either gold coins or in gold mining stocks.

Even with the soaring price of gold, mining companies are facing increasingly more difficult pressure as competition for a dwindling gold supply heats up. Mining companies that have large reserves have added flexibility over smaller Juniors.

Gold Miners also face 2 other significant problems. Mining cost are increasing at a substantial rate, as the cost of labor has went up drastically. The high cost of constructing a mine have also added to the challenge. If rising costs are not enough mining companies are under more stringent environmental controls. The hardship and the time it takes to get approval for a mine has gone up substantially over the last 20 years. These are among the reasons why physical gold has been outperforming most of the miners of late.

When looking to invest in a gold mining company look for a low cost producer and one that has a lot of reserves. Stay away from the mid size producers and look at those in the top tier, if all else fails you can always try this.

Monday, October 29, 2007

Amero Investor

Amero Investor is dedicated to finding investment opportunities that will be created with the tighter ties and bonds that are currently being created between Canada, USA and Mexico. We don't predict that a Amero will be a sure thing but Closer ties economically between these 3 countries are a sure thing and this will result in tremendous opportunities for those positioned properly to profit.

We are currently already seeing results in a worsening USD and a rise in gold. The recent run up in gold is driven by inflation, but people should remember gold doesn't make wealth or money. Gold's main purpose is to preserve wealth as it has been for thousands of years. So if your aim is to hide from the USD collapse gold will be a great place for you but if you aim is to increase your wealth you are going to have to look outside the gold market.