A series of fake Amero Currency has been making the rounds online, with some saying they are real. These Amero Bills are Fake, I have added the images so you can see what they look like. The designs are pretty cool though I think it looks a little to much like Canadian currency with all the color. Plus there do not appear to be many security features. Again these are fake Amero Bills do not buy them unless you are doing so for novelty purposes. Most of the images used seem to come from online sources. Anyway 2 images of the phony Amero Bills are included.
World markets have been crazy, whether the Amero 2009 will be a reality or is just a conspiracy is a great topic of debate, I want to thank everyone for voting on the Amero Currency poll as we near 2000 votes, its been fun watching the results. I want to get a little off topic for one post and talk about the stock market, right now is a very difficult time for those invested or stuck in the stock market. If you must invest or are stuck HEDGE!!!!
I Wanted to explain one simple method to help. Using covered calls is a great way to generate income while you hold stocks. This method is best used if you think the market will be flat or down 6-8 months from now. Its also best if you find a nice dividend paying stock that you are comfortable holding long. Your covered call pays you to wait for a turn around.
I'm going to use a Canadian Bank in my example. Bank of Montreal(BMO) I do actually believe Canadian banks are safer than US counterparts as well, but there are plenty of US stocks ripe for covered calls. I prefer to write calls that yield less income but are only about 2 months out but for our example 5 months works best.
(Buy BMO @ 42.25) today, at the same time (Sell April 2009 48 calls@2.50) Your calls right away give you 5.9% back on your investment! Now lets look at what happens after that. Prices from TSE
Scenario #1) The stock closes above 48 on the 3rd Friday in April and your option is executed. You receive 5.95% from calls+you will have gotten a dividend 1.65%+capital gain on stock of 13.6% total return 21.2% for a little over 5 months. Not to shabby!!
Scenario #2) Stock close below 48, you receive 5.95% from calls+1.65% Dividend total 7.6% return over 5 months. Now the stock maybe down or could still be above your purchase price of $42.25. Worst case is you lowered your break even from $42.25 to about $39. Plus you are only a few trading days from another dividend which would take break even to $38.30 Now at this point you may want to write another call 2 or 3 months out or sell the stock if your in the black.
Obviously if your stock is a falling knife this will not save you, but if you believe you have a solid company, especially one paying a good dividend, writing calls can help a lot over the year. DO NOT USE THIS METHOD IF YOU ARE A PERMA-BULL! and believe the market is about to take off.
Why is this method so good right now? Simple Calls are trading at a premium because of the extreme volatility.
You can say it's a myth, but that won't make it disappear. Before it was introduced, was the EURO a "myth" too? We're half way there... like the great bail out, Americans will be manipulated to accept even more, increasingly extreme solutions to successive fiscal panic events.
America could soon gain painful first experience- the same pain it has often induced in countries like Argentina, Mexico, Germany and Brazil... hyper-inflation. As a part of a 'relief package', the “Amero”- the ultimate financial instrument, will be presented as a pre-packaged panacea or 'rescue' by our saviours- the bankers.
This is worth the read as it relates to the bail out, the amero, and amero currency
So what are John McCain's views on the amero currency and the NAU?
John McCain is a member of the CFR (Council on Foreign Relations) The CFR is said to be for the abolishment of sovereignty and their stance on most issues are pro-New World Order. The Amero Currency fits the CFR agenda.
John McCain says that democracies around the world should join with NATO to forge "a new global order of peace", he has no exit plan for Iraq and probably would continue to expand war in the middle east.
John McCain's amnesty bill which was defeated would of lead to even more open borders. The bill fits perfectly with the policies of the CFR. With McCain as president expect Amnesty by 2010 and a fast track for the Amero Currency The funniest thing he said in this video "Goto Detroit" I wonder if McCain has been to Detoit or ever talked to someone from there as NAFTA sure hasn't been good for Michigan. A Amero Currenny would push the state over the edge
Will have a more complete report on John McCain and the amero currency when he picks his VP.
This is the second month of our Amero Currency Poll 2008. The poll held steady with about 6 out of 10 against the Amero. At one point it went up to around 70% but the last part of the month brought in some yes votes.
I like the way the poll is going, votes have been spread across all 3 countries with this month seeing a lot of votes from Mexico. Our goal is to get about 1000 votes on the year. I think this is a fair amount if you look at election polls that are accurate to 1-3% generally poll fewer than 1000 people. The key will be to keep getting a good variety of people voting. I received a email from someone who is pro Amero Currency and asked if I could reprint some of his material to represent the positives so the blog will not be one sided. I will be printing some of those in the following weeks. Canadians are waking up to the SPP and its drawbacks
The weekend of February 16th marked a day of nation wide protest against the Amero Currency and the NAU in Canada. Protests took place in 18 Canadian cities to rally against the Security and Prosperity Partnership which many feel has been negotiated in private, denying the public from its democratic rights.
Most of the protests were held outside the offices of local members of parliament. The rally was viewed as a success by organizers as it was the first organized event held on a large scale in a attempt to make the public aware of the Security and Prosperity Partnership, NAU, and Amero Currency.
As the SPP and NAU moves forward expect to see many more organized protests in Canada and the US as more people become aware of what is happening they will take to the streets to protect their sovereignty.
Global Research, October 12, 2007 WorldNetDaily.com - 2007-10-11
The U.S. dollar might be destined to disappear, replaced by a regional currency called the amero, reports the Tokyo correspondent for the Singapore Business Times today.
"Truth is said to be stranger than fiction sometimes, and what I hear about the future of the U.S. dollar may sound like pure fiction, but the sources from whence the reports spring are, as they say, 'usually reliable' ones, and so they do have a ring of truth to them," writes Anthony Rowley.
Rowley says the slide of the U.S. dollar in relation to other foreign currencies makes such a transition more likely.
"And, looking at the size of U.S. debt to all those foreign central banks and private investors who obligingly finance the American current account deficit, similar conclusions might be drawn," he writes.
Because the U.S. is not going to stand by and watch its currency depreciate forever, he says his sources in the monetary and financial establishment plan a new currency that would take trade and investment cooperation within the North American Free Trade Agreement, or NAFTA, into new areas of monetary cooperation – leading ultimately, perhaps, to a common currency for the U.S., Canada and Mexico.
In addition to the name "amero," Rowley says the name "americo" is also under consideration for this new currency. read full story here
The exchange rate for the Amero currency are the wild card for the introduction of a new Amero dollar. To make citizens of the United States, Canada and Mexico accept a new currency two things are going to be needed. We are seeing the first with a decline in the US dollar. The second condition would be to set a exchange rate that all countries view as favorable.
If the US dollar continues to collapse as liquidity is pumped into the markets, Americans will welcome a new Amero. As radical as it seems now if the public is drowning they will gladly grasp at any life line that is thrown their way. The Amero will be sold as the solution to economic woes and a way to get out from underneath a devalued dollar. We are now seeing the Government panic over simple market cycles. The pain of these over reactions will be felt very shortly, of course markets can be kept afloat with devalued dollars if that is the goal. The administration had projected a balanced budget shortly based on declining deficits but you can throw that out the window.
Many articles have speculated what will be in it for Canada? Well for a long time Canadians have suffered from a dollar that was worth 60% to 75% of what the US dollar was worth. This was until recently when the Canadian dollar caught and surpassed the USD and has since traded about par with the US dollar. This sparked what could only be described as euphoria among the main stream media in Canada. It also sparked many a shopping spree to south of the border. For many years Canadians had only dreamed of a dollar that was par and if you asked most Canadians if they would like there dollar to be pegged at par with the US dollar they would say, "yes". Of course the solution to a par dollar will be the Amero currency. Pressure from the US and Mexico would also make it impossible for Canada not to switch to a Amero, not doing so would be economic suicide.
Amero Currency Exchange Rate Estimate
$1 Amero= $1 USD
$1 Amero= $1 CND
$1 Amero= 10 Mexican Peso's
Ultimately the Amero currency would go head to head against the Euro. The end game for a new world order could see the Amero gain on the Euro dollar till they are par. Setting the stage for one global currency.
During a stop at a Union Hall in St Louis Hillary Clinton was asked about the NAU and the introduction of the Amero, though she pleaded ignorance, expressing her view that she had heard of the Amero and the NAU but she did not believe there was anything to it. She also replied that if there was such a scheme she would eliminate it "in a bird dog minute" if she is elected President.
Well only getting about 5% of visitors to vote unfortunately, but seems to be about 60% against it so far. Not a real strong number in my opinion. A little bit of marketing could easily swing that to 60% for it.
I have tried to keep a open mind about the Amero Dollar but in the last few months traffic for the blog has been increasings. One thing I am really suprised at are the number of visitors from .gov sites particularily from Washington D.C.. There has also been alot of visits from US military sites.
Despite the blogs title i'm not one to believe every conspiracy I'm just shocked at the number of visits from government employees. Where the general public may have a hard time finding this blog, government employees sure don't. Hopefully we can get about 500 or so votes and get a more clear picture of the publics view. Although unscietific the poll only allows one vote per IP so it won't be spammed and should be a good gauge. I'm still undecided myself
The Fed has lowered rates again and looks like they are running out of gun powder should get very interesting if the market doesn't act like they want. Stay tuned
New Flash Is this a huge contrarian signal or a time to head for the hills? Jim Cramer is a Bull on steriods and he is calling for a 2000 point drop in the DOW if the short term. Cramer thinks that mortgage companies and their insurer's are in big trouble.